Studying and reporting on America's role in the world

Tyranny of the Rich, and the Opportunity of Chaos

In summary, the thesis of this article is that international powerful private interests (read, the wealthy) are behind the turmoil that masks itself as a call for racial injustice, an undefined term with an undefined end result.  The Black Lives Matter movement strikes a blow at the already weakening Liberal societies of the world as it represents a system of social organization based on ethnic characteristics.  The BLM movement is designed to weaken the ethnic groups of Europe (i.e., English, German, etc.) and America (i.e., the Whites) to reduce the populist and nationalist movements that have grown over the last 10 years. This is necessary so the financial capitalists can make more money and have more control over the entire world which is becoming their personal factory and playground.  The BLM movement is also meant to turn the lower classes and middle classes against each other to hide this reality.  The Catholic Church of course is inert having surrendered any independence with the American Captivity that began in 1965.  All that having been said, we have a window of opportunity to end Liberalism (with its many errors as I recount herein) as a form of social organization and pursue either the ethnic state or the Catholic confessional state. 

“You cannot serve God and Mammon.”  Matthew 6:24

“Are not the rich oppressing you?  And do they themselves not haul you off to court?” James 2:6

“A religious error is the main root of all social and political evils.” –Pope Leo XIII, Inscrutabili Dei Consilio (1878).

America’s founding ideology leads to contradictions.  That is because like all ideologies, truth is borrowed and not held.  And like all ideologies, some ulterior purpose, or hidden agenda is actually being served.  That purpose or agenda is not so hard to figure out – it usually always boils down to a way to gain for some more power and money.  And of the two, money is the more important.   Service to God or service to wealth is the choice that mankind has always faced, and that eternal dynamic was set forth by Jesus Christ in the Bible centuries ago.  America is based on error and at the root of that error is a rejection of truth which tells of the end of man and the necessity of Catholicism in every society.

The American ideology, which is contained essentially in the First Amendment, is for the benefit of the wealthy and those capable of gaining wealth.  Those who benefit the most are the financial capitalists, or economic internationalists, or globalist crowd.  America is dedicated to the service of wealth, not God, and always has been.

Perhaps the bill is now coming due as two deforming ideologies wage war against each other masking an ethnic conflict.   The rich even control the ethnic identities to a degree, but the rise and suppression of Black Nationalism and of White Nationalism since the 1960s indicates matters are not entirely of their making.  At the end of the day, though, the wealthy control both sides.  They created Marx and Engels, Hitler and Fascism, and America.

And the errors of America are on full display right now.

George Floyd

To date, it appears that George Floyd was hyped up on a cocktail of illegal drugs when he tried to pass a counterfeit bill and then encountered rookie cops in Minneapolis on May 25.  When the officers on the scene couldn’t control and subdue Floyd, Officer Derek Chauvin appeared and apparently kneeled on the neck and back of Floyd for more than eight minutes.  Floyd died and two conflicting autopsies resulted – one conducted for the Floyd family saying that Floyd died as a result of asphyxiation and the other by the Coroner saying that the cause is inconclusive.

A video of Chauvin and Floyd was taken by a private individual and picked up and played by the media.  It went viral, a fact helped by the repeated emphasis and attention that it received from the media.  Such a video, judging by all the comments condemning Chauvin, was bound to do so and was bound to be used to stir up racial tensions given the existence of organizations like Black Lives Matter, Black leaders always trying to justify their existence by playing on division, the strong opposition to Trump in the media and elsewhere, and the hatred of Whites harbored by the media and the elites.

This brings us to the first error of America that the current situation serves to highlight.  The First Amendment’s Freedom of the Press protected the start of this latest conflagration, like it did all the others over the past seventy years.  The press hates President Trump and has provided evidence of this time after time, and the same press has repeatedly stirred the fires of division.  This is the environment in which the Floyd video surfaced.  While the media may have acted legally, it acted immorally.

The Freedom of the Press, which means that the media can print and say whatever it wants, is condemned by Catholicism.  Pius IX made this condemnation clear in Quanta Cura in 1864.  In almost the next sentence he described the dynamic that is at the heart of America – the service of wealth and not of God.  He wrote “who, does not see and clearly perceive that human society, when set loose from the bonds of religion and true justice, can have, in truth, no other end than the purpose of obtaining and amassing wealth, and that (society under such circumstances) follows no other law in its actions except the unchastened desire of ministering to its own pleasure and interests?”[1]

Inter Mirifica, which issued 99 years later in December, 1963, was the Church’s attempt to defuse psychological warfare which is what the media was practicing in May and June 2020 with the repeated playing of the Chauvin Floyd video.  Sections 4, 6, and 11 set out the moral responsibility of members of the media to act responsibly and to not harm society with its stories.  In other words, the media had to act in furtherance of the common good of society.  Section 12 of Inter Mirifica gave power to the State to make sure that the media acted in conformance with the common good of society which includes the traditional notions of security and unity of the society as a whole.[2]  Instead, the media, long a foe of Donald Trump and of the Whites (that is, Americans of European descent) which it claims rally to him, fomented and unleashed a war in America.  That war boils down to one ideology fighting another (the Marxist group think manifesting as Black Lives Matter versus Liberalism) but at the same time overlaid on that is a struggle between ethnicities (Black versus White or Black versus British, Japanese, etc.) and overlaid on that is a struggle between the lower classes as a war put forth by the rich to cull the herd meaning to lessen the number of members of the lower and middle classes but also to better screen people who wish to join the upper class.

Who opposed Inter Mirifica so strongly years ago?  Yes, that is right, the American media and the Americanists at the Vatican II Council, most notably, John Courtney Murray, SJ.

Authority Says Authority Is Bad

This brings us to the second example of the errors of America that the riots bring to light and that is the government is a necessary evil and that civil society (i.e. the mob or the wealthy powerful private interests who oftentimes incite, create, and train the mob) knows better.  Therefore, necessary for the manifestation of this error is the First Amendment protected right of the people to assemble and protest accordingly.  What this means is that the government, or civil authorities, are again weakened in their authority by the powerful private interests.  The message is clear:  the civil authorities in America are not to be trusted, and authority in general is not to be trusted.

The riots targeted government and then turned into large “peaceful” demonstrations.  Everyone knew what that meant.  Hit them first, then show that if they go along things will be peaceful.  Many government authorities – primarily municipal leaders and law enforcement – capitulated in the face of these demonstrations “taking a knee” with the protestors which translated into surrendering.  Perhaps it was a way to keep the peace in the communities, but it was bowing to the mob or mob rule, and the USA has always held itself out as being governed by the rule of law.  The rule of law is supposed to override the rule of the mob or the rule of the few, but what the rule of law has now become given this latest unrest is rule of the powerful private interests who alone exert inordinate power on the machinery of government and also have the motive, opportunity and means to cause such unrest as has not been seen since at least 1968.

The demands of the marchers were at first unclear but the media helped to define them.  The marches were for racial justice and White Privilege lead to the harming of Black people.[3]  Police reform seemed to be the first, easy objective of the movement but more demands are likely to come given the enormous success of this campaign of the streets and of the media against the government and against Whites.  After all, racism is not defined nor is racial justice because these terms are weapons that are used against those that the wealthy and powerful don’t like.  So more and increasingly intolerable demands will follow, and if Chauvin is not convicted of the most serious offenses, there will be massive riots again.

The lead organization in all of this is something called Black Lives Matter, though initially Antifa members with black backpacks and dressed in black started and directed the violence.  Black Lives Matter, started about four years ago, was dedicated to advancing the lives of one race – the Blacks – and affirmed an idea of family that was not in keeping with the idea of family as set forth by Catholicism.  Additionally, BLM made sure that it recognized the importance of Gays, Lesbians, and Transgenders in their movement.  That alone signified that BLM met with the approval of the powerful private interests.  With police and public officials kneeling while wearing masks, the message was sent that we are to obey and be silent in the face of the tyranny of the rich who made all things possible.  To meet with the approval of the rich, one had to wear masks and kneel, as one also had to denounce him or herself as being the recipient or beneficiary of “white privilege”.  America 2020 became the Chinese cultural revolution of 1966 or Pol Pot’s revolution of the 1970s in which entire groups of people had to denounce themselves or face terrible punishments.  Of course, the self-denunciation did not end matters, it meant that one came to be in more of the thralldom of the powerful private interests who pulled the strings of the activists such as BLM.  The rich became more powerful with the self-denunciations, and one admitted to the destruction of self when that finally arrived.  The BLM movement was a culling of the herd — the 99% were fighting amongst themselves for ever dwindling resources in society while the wealthy and powerful chose the best for their own purposes.  There was no solidarity and the elites have no solidarity with anyone, not even fellow citizens for their goal is the accumulation of money and power all around the globe.  It was The Hunger Games in real life, in a little different form.

And indeed, money or wealth, which is what the rich have in abundance, does make all things possible, so the ones able to accumulate more of it, are greater gods than those who cannot accumulate as much.  Humankind, or at least Western European humankind, found that beginning in earnest in the 1300s money could change one’s life, one’s station in life, leverage power and ability and labor, and provide so many things.  This came to mean that money could bring such things as power, knowledge and information, beauty, friendship, food, better health, and a continuation of one’s bloodline.  Money came to rule societies and define the value of all things.  That happened largely through the use of fiat currency and decentralized economic decision making coupled with the creation of central banks and the successful implementation of a political economy (i.e., America) that elevated the individual to preeminence thereby opening every person to exploitation by the entrepreneurs, or the clever ones, who could then appeal to every unhindered or every created impulse of man.  In return, every individual could self-actualize or realize their own true potential as modern day gurus of irreligion taught.  It was the perfect system of social control – focus on one’s self without an established religion that set out the terms of a morality – and everything came down to money.  However, not everyone was good at making and keeping money.  So those who failed in that regard were culled from society at various times.  It was Herbert Spencer’s Social Darwinism in action and it found its best home in the USA.

Amintore Fanfani found that the wealthy had to knock down barriers to the accumulation of wealth and its enjoyment.  This helps them get wealthier and enjoy more and also control more.  Therefore, those things not of their making have to go.  One of those things are ethnic identities which they may have had a hand in creating at one time or another, such as the American identity which has always meant people of European ancestry.  However, the various European peoples and the Japanese are clearly ethnicities that were created by someone other than the rich of today. Hence, the presence of BLM in England, Japan, Germany, Spain and so on, and hence the removal of statues of various historical figures from prominent places in Atlanta, Seattle, London and elsewhere.   The ethnicities of Western Europe and America were putting up economic, financial and other barriers to the free flow of goods, people, information, and money as a result of their so-called populist movements.

The powerful private interests knew that and George Soros, not one to be shy as he was a financial capitalist and globalist (economic internationalism which makes the world the factory and playground of the rich), pledged in Davos, Switzerland in January, 2020 before the gathered world elites that he would commit one billion dollars ($ 1,000,000,000) to the destruction of ethnicities and nationalism around the globe.  That pronouncement came at a time when Donald Trump’s economic nationalism was being used to disrupt trade patterns around the world and just a week before Brexit was finalized.  Both, based on a stated concern for the predominant ethnicities of those two countries or societies[4] were a real threat to the amassing of riches by the global elites of the twenty-first century who rely on the USA military and the USA currency to grow their power and control around the world.

The powerful private interests cannot have Brexits nor can they have economic nationalism.  They have to implement the doctrines of free trade that have been used, as Professor Michael Hudson has explained, to mask the real agenda which is the creation of a world of haves and have-nots with the gap between the two ever widening.  They conquer the world with the desires of the people, the will and approval of the slaves, and that is engineered through a political economy that is under attack, and through psychological warfare or manipulation which as CD Jackson said nearly fifty years ago is political warfare in that events are turned to the advantage of those capable of doing so which is always the rich because they have the flexibility of mind, the resources, the means, and the motivation.

Rejoice or Weep?

The financial capitalists contributed to Hillary Clinton in 2016 the sum of about $ 87 million.  They only contributed about $ 20 million to Donald Trump.  If there was any doubt as to how things would go over the next four years given Trump’s demagoguery and desire for showmanship, those figures should have resolved that.  In May 2016 I told everyone that nothing would change under Trump, and nothing really has changed under Trump.  There is no alternative vision for the organization of society, and there is no structure to effectuate an alternate vision.  Trump has essentially squandered his time and efforts, and endangered Americans (i.e., Whites) by his actions.

As I have previously argued, by 1896 the Americans determined that there could not be any assimilation of the Blacks like there had been of the peoples of Europe, and hence the decision in Plessy v. Ferguson.  The wealthy were handed a powerful weapon with that decision because when they chose to use it they could to further divide and control the populace of the USA with race battles.  The American ideology, or Liberalism, had failed to allow the authorities to accomplish two fundamental requirements of the common good which are to achieve and promote unity of society and to protect society.  The powerful private interests, identified by award winning journalist Gustavus Myers with his monumental work, History of the Great American Fortunes, written between 1909 and 1910, would come to pick up the idea of racial differences as a wedge issue in the 1930s.  Ironically, Myers helped the elites with that project by his work on race in America which meant the finding of differences that could be used to strike at the heart of any hope of unity of Whites and Blacks, two predominant ethnic groups in the country.

John LaFarge, SJ was a Catholic priest who pioneered the Catholic leadership’s commitment to the wealthy in America by finding racial injustice in America.  His solution was never the obvious one which was the Catholic Confessional State or an established religion by which all people’s conduct could be measured and by which real unity could therefore be achieved in society.  And so, we now see the third error of America brought forth by the Floyd riots.  The First Amendment disestablishes any religion and Article VI of the Constitution eliminates the need for public officials to pass a religious test thereby defeating ab initio any attempt to have religion (i.e. Catholicism) control the culture or to have Catholicism control human behavior by setting norms of behavior by people in society and thereby bringing people closer together by unifying everyone with a common code, a common experience.

The divide became stark with the toppling of a statue of George Washington in Portland, Oregon on the evening of June 18 (and that of Francis Scott Key the following day).  Known as the Father of Our Country, Washington was White and a slave holder and slaves were Black.  The toppling of the statue made sense really for a BLM crowd or a BLM sympathetic crowd, and it signified the irreconcilable divide between American and Black (or White and Black; or European ethnicity and Black).  That divide is irreconcilable because any claim by BLM to end racial injustice is based on race, not the elimination of race or the creation of a common ground as Catholicism must do, but simply skin color.    Coupled with Mark Cuban’s demand of June 11 that Whites (i.e., Americans) must acknowledge white privilege, the elimination of racial injustice took on a sinister tone for the Americans or Whites – it meant that they had to give things up or agree to their own destruction simply because someone else was Black, or face riots and bullying and violence.  That has to be unacceptable to any sane White man who values his own life and those of his wife and children.   The nuclear family is the root of the ethnic community and the nuclear family is targeted by BLM.  The destruction of White, or American society, by erasing history and taking from the Whites was classic two wrongs trying to make a right, or Satan casting out Satan.  That sounds theological and so we arrive at the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church should have spoken up here but it couldn’t because the leadership of the Church was divided along the lines of the American polity having accepted as good in principle the system of American social organization set out in the First Amendment, and more importantly, having concluded that America teaches the Church, something that was just the reverse of the Great Commission set out by the Church’s founder in Matthew 28:19-20.  Archbishop Vigano sided with President Trump, Archbishop Gregory (“The African Queen” according to Church Militant) sided with BLM.  There was no third way much less a critique or much needed condemnation of the American ideology.  That had been done away with as a result of the US Doctrinal Warfare Program and the Catholics’ willingness to accept America as good in principle so that they could pursue their private dreams and fortunes.

But the Catholic Church has under Francis exercised a more insidious influence in that it has actively kept Catholicism from the public sphere in Europe where the Catholic leadership also work to denigrate and destroy the continent’s ethnicities.  This has often been done in the face of advocating for unrestricted immigration from Africa and the Middle East while at the same time attacking any efforts at manifesting national identity.  Robert Cardinal Sarah, author of The Day Is Now Far Spent, recognized the importance of ethnic identity and the necessity of Catholicism in forming that ethnic identity.  He also acknowledged the efforts of Europeans to try to assert that ethnicity in the proper form with the formation of the Visegrad Group of countries.[5]

All that happened was a lot of rhetoric by pundits and irate Americans or American Catholics who saw what they considered to be their heritage, and hence their identity, swept away in an iconoclasm that was rewriting history and making Americans and Catholics targets.  After all, Catholics in particular had been taught that violence was bad and that they need just trust in writing articles, letters, carrying signs peacefully and voting, especially voting Republican.  Non violence was exalted as a virtue as a result of the trauma of the 1960s that occurred after the Catholic leadership had surrendered after the close of Vatican II.  That in itself was another instance of Catholics giving in to the dominant culture, believing that America taught the Church, for Catholicism never condemned the use of violence especially when employed to defend a fundamental right such as the right to the Catholic Confessional State as I have previously argued, and especially when it came to defense of self and defense of family and others.  Catholicism teaches that violence must be effective to be moral, not that one has to win in short order.

The lie of nonviolence goes hand in hand with the lie that we can all get along.  (The Floyd and BLM riots are evidence, if not proof positive, that these things are lies.  What is being offered by BLM is the systematic intimidation and shaking down of one segment of the population (Whites) by another which equates to a culling of the herd for the benefit of the elites of society.)  Blacks and Whites are fighting over an ever shrinking economic pie.  Only the best will be able to avoid that horror.

Elections and the American system of social organization and American politics are present to minimize violence as that could get out of hand and target the real powers in society – the wealthy.  Only truth and a common set of values can unite us thereby creating an homogenous society and so one that is safe and united, morally legitimate goals of any civil society.  Pluralistic societies, I shall argue in greater depth, are morally illegitimate because they always result in rejection of Catholicism and they always result in lies being promoted as good in themselves just to “keep the peace.”  Pace Rodney King, no we cannot all get along.  One side or another must be ascendant, calls to reach middle ground often mean a demand for surrender, and tolerance means acceptance of evil.  No properly ordered society can function that way for the benefit of its members.

As the statues of Washington and other American icons fell, and as the calls came in to take down the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial, one feels mixed emotions.  As an American, these things strike at the heart of our identity; but as a Catholic, devoted to the truth as one should be, these things took on a greater significance.  The Americans had brutally won their independence with terrorism and conventional military tactics, and they continued the brutality and ethnic cleansing of the Native Indians from the lands that formed the USA.  After that came the suppression of the Filipino insurgents with all manner of horror, and then as the Twentieth Century matured and grew old the Americans used total war to annihilate millions of Japanese and Germans.  Following that came the legalization and promotion of abortion that has resulted in at least 60,000,000 dead in the USA alone and up to 400,000,000 worldwide due to the American leadership.  As if that wasn’t enough, World War IV or the Global War on Terror was launched that has destabilized societies throughout the Middle East and Islamic lands while killing hundreds of thousands more.

So, in a way, the survivors or victims of all of the horrors that the Americans inflicted on the world have to look at what is happening in the USA and feel a sense of vindication.  Catholics have to look at all that is happening with the raging civil war in America as a lesson that rejection of Catholicism and the Catholic Confessional State has consequences.  The bill comes due eventually.  Divine Justice is perfect, and sure.  We are witnessing it.


This is a time of great opportunity. As Liberalism withers under the attacks of BLM and a form of social Marxism, the answer should be clear to Americans and Catholics – it is time to reorder the societies in which they find themselves.  It should be apparent that Liberalism is unable to protect them or to assimilate different races.  Defense of self, family and others is a moral imperative.  That is achieved ultimately by human solidarity and the willingness to effectively use violence.  That begins with the acknowledgement that one group is worthy of continued existence and flourishing, and that in itself is something recognized as good by anyone who claims to hold to reason and a love of humanity.   It is on this that ethnic identity survives and it is on this that Catholicism was able to protect and expand the truth it received.  The ideas that people can talk things out or dialogue and arrive at the truth, or resolve fundamental differences in world views by going to the ballot box, have been proven to be lies.  And the American ethnicity is worthy of defense and propagation as is the Black ethnicity as is the English, the German, the Spanish, the Japanese.

Each ethnicity has distinctive characteristics both physically and temperamentally.  (It is my belief that there are also spiritual differences which need to be further discussed and researched but that is beyond the scope of this article.)  The popes repeatedly recognized this.  This is not evil, it calls for the solidarity of the human race but the likes of George Soros and other financial capitalists and international economic forces like him do not want a unity that is not of their making, for they have set themselves up as gods.  Financial capitalism is a troublemaker and has to be controlled.  The First Amendment, and its representation in all the Liberal societies of the world, has to be repealed or removed as this is necessary to the defense of the ethnicities and the peoples of the globe.

The Catholic Confessional state is the solution, and the Ethnic state an essential first step.  These things will not be gained by talk.  They can only be gained by moral courage, by action, organization, sacrifice, and, if needs be, by a fight in self-defense.  The powerful private interests brought us here, and they are very powerful.  Their power must be neutralized and they would be smart to accept the Catholic Confessional State as they have so many times in the past.  Otherwise, things could get out of hand in a bad way for them and other.

In the meantime, as we organize and plan, we take a lesson from the German writer, thinker, soldier and war hero, Ernst Junger who lived under tyrannies for much of his life.  We stay true to ourselves and to the truth, at all costs.  We are being given an opportunity to build anew.



Amintore Fanfani, Catholicism, Protestantism and Capitalism (IHS Press 2003).

Gustavas Myers, History of Bigotry in the United States (Random House, 1943); History of the Great American Fortunes (Charles H. Ker and Company, 1909-1910).

David Wemhoff, John Courtney Murray Time/Life and the American Proposition (2015).

Various articles (to be provided and supplemented).




[1] Pope Piux IX, Quanta Cura, Paragraph 4, found at accessed August 25, 2019.

[2] Inter Mirifica states in pertinent part: “4.  If the media are to be correctly employed, it is essential that all who use them know the principles of the moral order and apply them faithfully in this domain….They should also take account of the circumstances in which the content is communicated – the purpose, that is to say, the people, the place, the time, etc.  The circumstances can modify and even totally alter the morality of a production.  In this regard, particular importance may attach to the manner in which any given medium achieves its effect.  Its impact may be such that people, especially if they are insufficiently prepared, will only with difficulty advert to it, control it, or, if need be, reject it…..6….The Council proclaims that all must accept the absolute primacy of the objective moral order.  It alone is superior to and is capable of harmonizing all forms of human activity, not excepting art, no matter how noble in themselves.  Only the moral order touches man in the totality of his being as God’s rational creature, called to a supernatural destiny.  If the moral order is fully and faithfully observed, it leads man to full perfection and happiness….11.  A special responsibility for the proper use of the means of social communication rests on journalists, writers, actors, designers, producers, exhibitors, distributors, operators, sellers, critics—all those, in a word, who are involved in the making and transmission of communications in any way whatever….they have power to direct mankind along a good path or an evil path by the information they impart and the pressure they exert.  It will be for them to regulate economic, political and artistic values in a way that will not conflict with the common good…..12.  Civil authorities have particular responsibilities in this field because of the common good, toward which these media are oriented….The civil authority should foster religious, cultural and artistic values….Finally, the civil authorities, which rightly regard the well-being of the citizens as their concern, are also bound to ensure, equitably and vigilantly, that public morality and social progress are not gravely endangered through the misuses of these media.  This they can achieve by promulgating laws and tirelessly enforcing them.  The liberty of individuals and groups is not in the least compromised by such vigilance, especially where serious guarantees cannot be given by those who use these media professionally.”

[3] It became clear that White People had to say the marches and riots were for racial justice and that they (the White People) suffered from some form of White Privilege.  If the Whites did not say this, then they risked their positions and their fortunes and fell into disfavor by the powerful and wealthy in society.

[4] Brexit was huge.  It was the English people saying to the world that it means something to be English, something I realized when speaking with British officers in Afghanistan more than a dozen years ago.  The success of the BLM movement is significant because it has established clear ethnicities, or identities.   Americans are Whites or those of European descent whereas Blacks are not Americans but are of African descent though they can be USA citizens.  Blacks are now an international group to be distinguished from other ethnic groups.  This in itself is a huge, and positive, development for it narrows the American moniker to those of a specific ethnicity or group.  Ethnic groups are entitled to survival and propagation as they are peoples created in God’s infinite goodness.  People of the same ethnic group, and race, have a natural affinity towards each other in relation to that of other ethnicities or races.  If these groups fail to adapt and to accept Catholicism as the religion of the group, they will ultimately fade away.

[5] Perhaps from this group will arise a leader or leaders who, in accordance with historical precedent, will call a council and depose the current pope.  In December, 1046, Emperor Henry III called the Council of Sutri which deposed three popes or pretenders to the papacy, and established Clement II as the pope.

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