PSA: The Difference that Matters

For some time now, I have been in conversations with a number of people about the future of this website, The American Proposition.  We are examining a number of possibilities and all of them involve change.  Some of these changes may be cosmetic or technical, and others may be substantive.

The creation of the society known as America and the creation of the political entity known as the United States of America, are perhaps two of the most significant developments in human history.  This did not occur in a vacuum, and it impacts other countries and the community of nations as a whole.

We must always discern.  Discern between the American people and the American elites.  Discern between an ideology and a country. Discern between good and evil, truth and lies.   At The American Proposition, we are Americans.  We love our country, we love our people, and we want the best for both our country – which is our fatherland – and our people, the Americans.  That includes a right-ordered domestic society, and a right-ordered world that is good for other countries and other nations, or peoples.  We therefore point the paths to a better way, correct errors and refute lies, and provide a better understanding of our world.

We plan on continuing with our commentary and analysis, commentary and analysis I dare say you cannot find elsewhere.  And we will continue to provide badly needed answers at a confusing time.  We are not in this for the money and the fame.  We do this because, as I said above, we truly care and want change for the better.

Thank you for your support and comments.  Stay tuned.

–David Wemhoff

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