The Difference That Matters
When David Wemhoff enters the room, watch out, hold on, things won’t be the same. Something is going to happen that hasn’t happened before. David Wemhoff is innovative and unorthodox!
That’s what they said about me for years, and that is what they are still saying about me.
Why is that?
Because I am different. I look for the truth, not a good story. I look for first causes, not second or subsequent causes. I look for prime actors, prime movers – the guys who develop the plans or concepts—and not the operatives or executors of a plan no matter how “sexy” that can be. I don’t aim to please my audience – believe me, I have a good idea of what sells, but I know that you don’t need something else to buy. Well, then, what am I interested in? That brings me to my next point — I am interested in bettering the world in which we live, and that happens first with telling the truth.
That means I have to be unpopular sometimes – maybe a lot of times. I challenge comfortable little dream-worlds that others helped to construct to your, to our, detriment. I do that by studying and studying in depth. And I bring to that study years of hard, invaluable experience. I am not someone who sat in an ivory tower or in an hermetically sealed room for years reading books – I was, and am, out there in the trenches, and the insights and experiences I gained from those struggles are priceless: so priceless that no one else has these insights and experiences.
One of these insights is that the greatest struggle of human history is between serving God and serving wealth. That itself is enough to make me unpopular, different, and matter. Another is that blood is thicker than water, that nations matter. It keeps getting better….
The difference that matters. That is what I provide. For then you will have something useful.
This is an interview with the famous Peter Duke of the Duke Report. Very fortunate and humbled to be his guest, and I trust you will find this informative and helpful.