Studying and reporting on America's role in the world

Plutocracy & Societal Organization

(My good friend Peter Helland informs me that Gus Z, an employee of the Catholic Church, refuses to discuss with me the proposed amendment to the United States Constitution which I set forth on this blog site earlier.  Gus Z, Peter informs me, feels it is too harsh! Hah!  Proposed Amendment XXVIII as set forth on this website is the Catholic position — it is Catholic doctrine.  Proof that the Church has become a circulatory system of error and cultural sewage.)

Borat and Jesus agree:  free speech is a bad idea.

Catholicism and the free press reach an agreement.

So, the First Amendment has to go.

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Section 1. Jesus Christ is hereby recognized as King, and His laws and commandments, as understood
and defined by the Roman Catholic religion, shall inform the statutes and the regulations and ordinances
of the United States of America. No statute, ordinance, policy, court decision, or the like shall be
construed as being inconsistent with, or harmful to, the doctrine and dogma of the Catholic religion which is Catholicism.

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The State of the Union[1]

Disunited in worldview, united in principles of social organization, the American union is quite strong.

As 2019 dawned and the bitter polar vortex bore down on the god-fearing people of middle America, the blonde and silver maned champion of the unforgotten masses living in these middle states, President Donald Trump, was denied the floor of the House of Representatives to give the annual State of the Union Address. He had shut down about one third of the federal government because the democratically controlled House of Representatives, under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi, a Catholic from San Francisco, refused to endorse the funding of a border wall to keep out illegal aliens and protect the people of the United States. A fundamental duty of any leader is to protect his people, and that is also a fundamental duty of the civil authorities, a tenet of Catholic doctrine. But Catholics, like Pelosi, bishops, cardinals, the Pope himself, and millions more, were the best supporters of an ideology that is the very antithesis of Catholicism, Catholic doctrine, and the natural law as that term has been understand over the ages. Pelosi and the Catholics were true to the mandate from John Courtney Murray issued nearly sixty years ago in his book We Hold These Truths: Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition:

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Nation versus Country:

The Shift of Political Entities to Ideological Foundations, and Back Again?

By David A Wemhoff

(From April, 2015. On July 19, 2018, the Israeli Knesset voted to make Israel an ethnic state. Liberalism is under assault.)

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations….” Matthew 28:19

“Rome is strangling my people and my country….” Judah Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) from Ben-Hur (1959)

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu seems to anger presidents. One of the most powerful presidents is Barrack Obama of the United States of America. The occasions of their conflicts have been covered by the media with “Bibi’s” disagreement over the handling of Iran and its nuclear program probably the most notable instance given his talk to a joint session of Congress on March 3. Another powerful president that Bibi has angered is the President of Israel, and fellow member of the Likud Party, Reuven Rivlin. Most recently, Rivlin criticized Bibi’s speech to the US Congress and his comments on the day of the election which were that because Arab citizens of Israel were coming out to vote in large numbers, the Likud needed to get its members to the polls. As reported by The Jerusalem PostContinue reading

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