The American Proposition

Studying and reporting on America's role in the world

Infiltration: Sex, Conspiracies, Apparitions, and Prophecies Sell Ink (A review of Infiltration:  The Plot to Destroy the Church From Within (Sophia Institute Press, 2019).)

(This includes a clarification from July, 2023.)

Taylor R. Marshall is well rewarded for keeping disaffected Catholics on the American reservation. Gaining bestseller status on Amazon is a great honor. It also takes skill to be able to identify and push all the hot button items of a target audience just the right way. But then conspiracy stories involving secret societies and sex always sell and they sell bigger when you mix in apparitions, conversations with Satan, and predictions. It’s the same genre that Dan Brown used in The Davinci Code and associated works, it worked there, it works here. Unfortunately, stories don’t help people realize the problem and usually don’t help to solve the problem, and in the case of the Catholic Church, a big part of the problem is America (which equates to rule by the wealthy) and Americanism.

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(On July 23, 2019, it was reported that only 35 illegal immigrants had been apprehended; the media gleefully argued that was because of President Trump’s tweets warning the illegal immigrants of the impending raids; the acting chief of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency denied that claim.)

On National Public Radio Monday July 15, 2019 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said “we do not cooperate with ICE.”[i] This was in line with her earlier actions in which she “ordered the police department to cut off ICE’s access to its immigration database, `I have also personally spoken with ICE leadership in Chicago and voiced my strong objection to any such raids,’ she said….”[ii] She was not alone.

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Americans excommunicating Americans[i]


A lot of people said Barack Obama wasn’t an American. They say Donald Trump said the members of the Squad[ii] aren’t Americans. David Brooks says Trump is un-American.[iii] Robert W. Merry[iv] said David Brooks has un-American views and so on and so forth. All this controversy begs the question:

Who is an American?

Anyone who desires material success, has US citizenship, and accepts as good the ideology which forms America.  At least according to chatterers.

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Introduction and Metanoia

Since the end of the Vatican II Council, the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church, along with their followers, have entered willingly into the American Captivity. Their chains are of the mind, and allow them to pursue and indulge in the pleasures and glories of this world while at the same time allowing them to believe that they are somehow living holy lives, or lives in accordance with the will of the Triune God. Forsaking the call of Jesus Christ, the founder of the Roman Catholic Church, to go and teach all nations the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Catholics have instead decided that America got it right and that the American ideology, a creed based in Liberalism and the Enlightenment with all that entails, is of greater value than Catholicism. This is most importantly evident in the system of social organization.

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Land of the home

(This poem is from the work “From the Hillside: A Collection of Poems.” Poetry is an efficient way to convey thoughts and also information, if used properly. This poem is an attempt to convey important truths about the essence of American society.)


Decide what you like

Have fun and give value

Count your success

Values and truth

By the money you make.

To everything a price is fixed.

The market disposes with the

Machts nichts.

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Pete Buttigieg: Dividing Religion Yet Again


Are not the rich oppressing you?

“Are not the rich oppressing you?”[1] writes St. James. The question suggests the answer which is yes. That has been the way of the world since before Jesus Christ walked the earth.

What has changed is how that oppression is conducted. One of the best ways to oppress people is to give them no recourse – legal (legalize evil practices especially in the basic laws), moral (endless propaganda that says the system is fair, the best, should not and cannot be changed), physical (disarm them) or otherwise — to contest the actions of the wealthy. Religion, that is a faith system based on a deity or deities, has always served as a counterweight to the actions of the wealthy. Nowhere was that clearer than in the Old Testament when the prophets Jeremiah, Isaiah, Nehemiah, Hosea, Amos, and many more railed against the evils perpetrated by the wealthy themselves and through their surrogates, the priests and government officials. The society of ancient Israel had one religion and that religion unified the people while also forming the basis of public policy until it was perverted by the wealthy. When that religion went bad, and its doctrine ignored or corrupted, things for the little guy went bad. Catholicism is the same way – when the precepts and tenets of the faith are followed and implemented in society, the little guy benefits the most because he receives protection not just materially but also spiritually.

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Apparently Facebook now comments on certain posts. Facebook placed an angry face on one of my posts (not hard to tell which one), and apparently it has done so with other posts by other people. We probably all know where Facebook stands when it comes to certain religions (i.e., Catholicism) and the social issues of the day. That’s because Facebook, like many wannabees, really just wants to serve or benefit primarily the few, and not the many or not the all.

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Box-ed In


Further evidence of the sterility of the pro-life movement

The day after Memorial Day 2019 witnessed the release of a per curiam opinion by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) entitled Box v. Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky. The decision by the great court upheld an Indiana law that required fetal remains from an abortion be disposed of by way of burial or by way of cremation. The decision also struck down the provisions of the same law that held abortions could not be done of the basis of things like race or sex.

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John Courtney Murray and the American Ideology


How the Catholic Church Became an Arm of American Power

By: David Wemhoff

(Address to the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, October 28, 2016)

American power is based on four primary factors or elements: financial, military, media/entertainment, and ideas.   The Catholic Church is an arm of American power in today’s world. The Catholic leadership endorses or approves of the ideology underlying the formation of America and the political philosophy that forms America’s political institutions which in turn maintain the American ideology. This ideology is nothing more than the Liberalism condemned by the Popes of the Nineteenth Century and condemned by Catholic doctrine itself, however its acceptance re-orders the relevant societies to be like America or to be allied with America.

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The State of the Union[1]

Disunited in worldview, united in principles of social organization, the American union is quite strong.

As 2019 dawned and the bitter polar vortex bore down on the god-fearing people of middle America, the blonde and silver maned champion of the unforgotten masses living in these middle states, President Donald Trump, was denied the floor of the House of Representatives to give the annual State of the Union Address. He had shut down about one third of the federal government because the democratically controlled House of Representatives, under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi, a Catholic from San Francisco, refused to endorse the funding of a border wall to keep out illegal aliens and protect the people of the United States. A fundamental duty of any leader is to protect his people, and that is also a fundamental duty of the civil authorities, a tenet of Catholic doctrine. But Catholics, like Pelosi, bishops, cardinals, the Pope himself, and millions more, were the best supporters of an ideology that is the very antithesis of Catholicism, Catholic doctrine, and the natural law as that term has been understand over the ages. Pelosi and the Catholics were true to the mandate from John Courtney Murray issued nearly sixty years ago in his book We Hold These Truths: Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition:

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