Studying and reporting on America's role in the world

There is an underclass of the disaffected, and they are preyed upon by some chatterers to keep them in fear and ignorance, and to keep them from effecting change.

In reading the various MSM accounts of the Texeira leaks and the contents of the documents leaked, a picture was painted that showed notable dissenters like Scott Ritter and Douglas MacGregor to be, well, wrong.  There was no Russian juggernaut, and the Russians had miscalculated.  This is not what the disaffected wanted to hear and so I was immediately set upon, rhetorically, at least for now.  I was told that Ritter and MacGregor were right and anything else is wrong, that Russia is good and Putin a hero, and the neo-cons are to blame for everything.

This month is the sixtieth anniversary of Pacem in Terris, an encyclical by Pope St John XXIII that argues for human coordination and world political union, of one form or another.  Again, I was set upon most ardently by….Christians of the disaffected underclass.  I was, within minutes, told that global political union was Satanic.

One day recently I was interviewed.  I explained the dynamics of a certain situation.  In the comments someone wrote…”Say the word…..J@@@”

These are the same people who blame one group or another, like “the Jews” or homosexuals, for everything, as though these groups had some magical, mystical power and were all powerful.  The disaffected refuse to acknowledge the power of money and of the wealthy in this society, and the very order of Liberalism which causes great evils.  The chatterers who prey on these people endorse Liberalism for without it they would not be somebody nor would they be able to make money from the disaffected.

The disaffected seem to always see evil conspiracies, yet they themselves are incapable of forming associations and cooperating to effect real change.  They seem to rely on some magical, mystical, gnostic power or dynamic to save them, to change things.  All without them having to do anything other than buy books and magazines talking about the objects of their hate, hurt, dissatisfaction.

What is going on here?  Have the people claiming to have the truth in turn rejected any discussion of possibilities, facts, truths?

Before I go any further, let me explain that I view the disaffected as victims of the chatterers who I consider to be charlatans.  The disaffected are for the most part White, Christian and hence American in this country.  The chatterers created this class to strip them of power, to destroy them.  The chatterers do so for their own selfish interests and to serve the powerful in society.  The chatterers keep people from realizing their identity, from organizing, and from formulating and achieving a good end state or vision.


Years ago, I wrote an article entitled “Tyranny of Dissent.” The piece described the reaction to the Covid19 virus or pandemic as it was just entering upon the scene.  Immediately a group of people said the virus was a hoax and more.  The article described a subculture of the perennially dissatisfied who always took the opposite view of the main stream narrative. They were the dissenters and anyone who dissented from the dissenters was set upon.

What I have since come to understand better is that the dissenters were not allowed to say who they are — Americans.  That means White and Christian in this society.  The dissenters during Covid19 were fighting for their survival, but they were not allowed to say they were fighting for their survival as a people.  They were — and are — denied group identity by the chatterers, especially Catholic chatterers.

What I have come to understand is that there is in turn a class of chatterers who benefit by dissent and who do so by playing to the fears, anger, hurt, hatred, and more “lower brain” emotions and drives of the target audience.  This inevitably is an appeal to the individual’s emotions, and it stymies any sense of solidarity amongst the disaffected whose trust in most everyone and everything is shattered — except for the trust of the target audience in their favorite chatterer, their guru, who plays to the fears, anger, hurt, hatred, and more of the disaffected individuals.

This relationship, this paradigm, prevents the disaffected from understanding and acting on the truth.  They are fed stories much like the MSM feeds stories to the population.  The chatterers absolve the underclass of any responsibility, usually scapegoating someone or some group or other in the process.

This paradigm, of chatterer feeding the disaffected underclass half-truths and lies, serves the powerful in society who are oftentimes the very ones who are alleged to be the bad guys in the narratives presented by the chatterers.

This entire dynamic or paradigm is a tool of tyranny.  It is in the name of free speech and free press, it is with the guarantees provided by these rights, that the chatterers can spin their tales to isolate and entrap their audience. It is in the name of free speech and free press that a people’s identity is stripped from them.

Along the same route is the use of religion as a solvent.  For years the Catholic chatterers have turned issues into matters of personal morality instead of building the right idea of nation and culture, and purifying the existing nation and culture.  The Catholic chatterers refused to call for any change, they only critiqued, or threw rocks.  This too was part of building the subclass of the disaffected who become ineffectual and engage in their own survival of the fittest among themselves.

Free speech, free press, religion — all used to better control the people and protect the powerful, if in the right hands.

Anniversary of Collective Action

“And fired the shot heard round the world.”

April 18, 2023 marked 248 years since the battles of Lexington and Concord when us Americans threw off the yoke of the English plutocratic tyranny.

These battles came less than four weeks after Patrick Henry’s famous address at St. John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia in which he said:

“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter.  Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace.  The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field!  Why stand we here idle?  What is it that gentlemen wish?  What would they have?  Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?  Forbit it, Almighty God!  I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

What is it that gentlemen wish?

What would they have?

Is life so dear, and peace so sweet…?

There is a time, a right, and a duty to throw off tyrants.  The requirements for such are certain and knowable.

I wrote about this two years ago, and the link to the article follows.

But before I depart, understand two things.  The Americans defeated the British.  The Americans defeated the British.  Get it?  Collective action based on a common accepted identity.  The Americans had a vision of an end state in mind.

The dissenters in 1775 may have been largely lower class, but they were not an underclass because they knew who they were, they knew what they wanted, they were willing to risk it all for this vision, and they were willing and able to work and fight together as one.  The dissenters of today, thanks to the chatterers, are turned into fodder for the plutocracy.






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