
Exploring America's Enduring Influence

Stay updated with news articles and in-depth analysis

The ideas explored in The American Proposition extend far beyond the book’s pages. They shape ongoing discussions about America’s complex role in the world. This Commentary section offers a library of articles that analyze the historical, cultural, and political forces shaping global ideologies, then and now.

Here, you’ll uncover critical explorations of pivotal moments in history, the nuanced impact of the Cold War, and the role Americanism continues to play in defining power, freedom, and democracy on the global stage. Each piece is a step toward understanding the intricate interplay of media, politics, and ideology that defined the 20th century and remains highly relevant today.

From reflections on how propaganda shaped the Catholic Church to the influence of media empires in crafting a global narrative, these articles aim to deepen your understanding of the forces that shape our world. Stay tuned as we expand this collection with new insights and scholarly research.

The Propriety of Spanish and Catholic Colonization

The Propriety of Spanish and Catholic Colonization “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20   Recently an article,[1] with a

Rumors and Rumors of Rumors: B16, NSA, SWIFT

Rumors and Rumors of Rumors: B16, NSA, SWIFT   Rumor: a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth. (Google dictionary)   Maike Hickson, Ph.D. wrote an article for Lifesitenews called “Italian general: US official bragged Benedict would be `forced’ to resign weeks after 2005 election” and it

On the Presentation of the David Wemhoff Scholarship

(On July 10, 2021, I presented the David Wemhoff Scholarship to a deserving art student at the South Bend Museum of Art. This is the text of my talk, brief as it is.)   Text On Presentation of David Wemhoff Scholarship Hello and good afternoon everyone. I wish to extend