American Patriotism Is Christian Patriotism
An Appeal to All Citizens: The Call to True Patriotism Which Seeks the Good of All Peoples
“We may fight among ourselves, but when the enemy appears, we fight as one.” – Name withheld, 1997
We are in a war that we did not start, and the enemy has carried that war to our heartland, our hearts, and our minds. Vladimir Putin started the war with his illegal invasion of Ukraine, a country Russia had agreed not to invade. Since then, the leadership of Russia and the leadership of China have grown closer and more collaborative while Rocketman of North Korea, and the Mullahs of Iran join what I have termed the Eurasian Alliance. All of this presents a very serious foreign threat by other countries directed against our own country, something we have not seen in at least 35 years. Make no mistake, this alliance is intent on global change for the worse and the USA is in the way.
Putin and Xi Jinping of China along with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are intent on world hegemony, world domination. They seek to destroy the world order which is based on a combination of customs, Liberal principles, Natural Law, Catholic thinking, and treaties or agreements. It is a world order that has given prosperity and peace to hundreds of millions, allowed earnest discussions about many things, permitted the practice and spread of religion, and made possible and real so much more good. Essential to destroying that order is to weaken, defeat, and destroy the United States. In the place of the current world order there will be instituted the law of the jungle with super nationalism ruling the day and peoples being deprived resources and freedom simply because of who they are or because they refuse to serve the master races. Xi and Putin offer devolution, a New Dark Age of tyranny.
These foreign enemies are using our freedoms — especially free speech — against us. They are taking our discussions and disputes – some of which are and were held in good faith and in good will – and using them to de-legitimate our country, our rights, our existence. They use things which may seem good in themselves to advance evil, and they use the ideal to attack what is good all to demoralize us. They use religion, ethnic and national identity, hatred and envy, euphemisms, false accusations, dissatisfaction and anger, and yes they use even ideological and doctrinal warfare to weaken us, to deceive us, and to divide us.[1]
Putin and Xi do not care about our welfare, they do not care about morality, and they are not offering a Christian world view. Their followers and shills on social media openly talk of destroying America and killing Americans. Their best hope is that we turn to fighting each other. We cannot do that. We will not do that.
Powerful private interests may be involved, and we hear or read of the military industrial complex wanting to make more profits, or investment firms funding the other side. These things do not change the reality that the governments of foreign countries are engaged in actions against other countries. The government of each country is ultimately responsible for what it does, or for what it fails to do, and governments wield real, and great, power. Governments have the power and the ability to say no to the powerful private interests and to choose to live peacefully with their neighbors because ultimately governments’ interests diverge from those of private parties.[2]
Patriotism – love of country – is our best way forward in light of this situation. All citizens are called to patriotism as it is a virtue and a duty. While we belong to different political parties or hold to different philosophies, whether we disagree about many things domestically and may even have different or alternative proposals of social organization, while we may be from a variety of religions, ethnicities or other groups, we must be united in our opposition to foreign powers that threaten all of us and that threaten our way of life which allows us to disagree and discuss, collaborate and prosper all in peace. Unity is a necessary way to not only protect our way of life and country, but unity also benefits all of us and makes for a better society. Unity in the face of a common enemy is the way forward. It sets a template for future life in our society, in our country. We cannot let division define us, and in unity we deprive our enemies of power over us. We must be strong in our foreign policy, which includes a strong military, a strong industrial base, and a willingness to uphold the right order in the world. We must be loyal to our country and her best interests. We must agree on and be in solidarity with each other – fellow citizens — on all of these things. We must adhere to patriotism with its basic principle of defense of our country. If we lose to these adversaries, these enemies, all of our discussions about one thing or another will mean nothing. If we lose to these adversaries, all of our hopes about bettering things – however we view it — anytime soon will end. With love of country, we importantly assist in upholding the international order which benefits all peoples, of all countries, and we allow for even greater benefits to the world and its nations.
What do we do? First, we recognize that Putin, Xi, Rocketman, and the Mullahs are not our friends. They are at least our adversaries, if not also our enemies. Second, we recognize that they are using psychological warfare, information warfare, and doctrinal warfare against us. Third, we defend against this type of warfare by being aware of it, knowing the truth, and not letting them get us emotionally engaged in a bad way. Fourth, we unite and stay united especially when it comes to supporting our foreign allies and friends. Fifth, we work for and support efforts meant to defeat Xi and Putin meaning that we blunt or defeat their efforts to change the international order as they wish to do and we do not descend into civil strife in this country. Finally, and always, we pray for God’s help, protection and victory.
We are praying and striving for the protection and betterment not just for ourselves and not just for our country, but for all the countries of the world, and all the peoples of the world. This, our patriotism, is the true form of patriotism for it seeks the good of all peoples, of all nations, of all countries. This is Christian patriotism.
[1] As I and others have previously said, Putin’s strongest weapon is psychological warfare to get the West in general and the USA in particular, or at least important parts of the West and the USA, to accept his view of reality. Part of that view of reality is that Russia is entitled to a sphere of influence which means essentially stripping sovereignty from countries near Russia, and that Russia was provoked. This will have wider applications around the world down the road, or in other words, it opens a Pandora’s Box of disorder and chaos with right being determined by might. Putin is also engaged in doctrinal or ideological warfare as I previously mentioned and the content of that doctrine or ideology is contained largely in Aleksander Dugin’s writings.
[2] There is some discussion about strengthening international institutions to help with policing the transnational activities of the powerful private interests. The Holy See has repeatedly urged these private interests, often in conjunction with governments, to act responsibly in accord with a code of ethics for the common good of the international community.