Inter Mirifica — The Duties of Chatterers, Church and State

On December 4, 1963, almost sixty years to the day, the Vatican II Council issued Inter Mirifica, also known as the Decree on the Media of Social Communications.  This was one of the first two documents to issue from the Council.  It came as the Council Fathers recognized they were under psychological attack by the American MSM of the time, and it was a counterpunch to that attack.  The MSM strenuously opposed this document and they enlisted the Americanist faction of the Church to include John Courtney Murray and John Cogley to voice displeasure over this document.  But the MSM and the lackeys of the plutocrats were not strong enough.  The Holy Spirit, and the Church leadership when it wants to be, is stronger.

You can read all about the document and the struggle in Part XIX of my book, John Courtney Murray, Time/Life, and the American Proposition now in its second edition and available on This is a story seldom, if ever, told, but crucial to understanding our world today. Below is a link to the Decree…paragraphs 10, 11, 12 caused the most consternation because these gave responsibilities and duties to the Church, the State, and even the content creators.  Content creators have to know what they are doing, speak the truth, and build a legitimate culture.  Imagine that, the chatterers with their microphone and camera and Youtube channel have duties to you and me…..and that is why you don’t hear about Inter Mirifica, from the chatterers and especially from the Catholic chatterers.

This document is more important than ever.  New movies are coming out and several of them are, of course, overt assaults on the American people and American culture. One is called Thanksgiving which is described as such (and I quote from the movie description): “After a Black Friday riot ends in tragedy, a mysterious Thanksgiving-inspired killer terrorizes Plymouth, Massachusetts – the birthplace of the infamous holiday.”

Such a motion picture makes dark a great American holiday, one that unites people in a good way. Such movies should not be made, and the government should suppress them for the benefit of the American people.

Now more than ever, we need Inter Mirifica.


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